HO scale Union Pacific 'Challenger' Project Information 

Kohs & Company O Scale Version #5 Production Model shown above

Kohs & Company for more than twenty years has concentrated on the production of the finest O scale models that we could develop, but have always had an awareness of what was 'happening' in other scales. The lack of advancement in HO scale, notwithstanding the addition of sound and controlled lighting, has been a real puzzlement. The addition of more thoroughly researched prototypically correct detailing and features are our focus, those items in the Model Features listed below.

The reason for selecting the 'Late' Union Pacific Challenger as the subject is very simple, they are considered by many railroading fans to be the most handsome steam prototypes ever built. This prototype class provided outstanding service in moving massive amounts of fast freight across the western half of the United States during the all important war years and their service in heading up some of the most legendary passenger consists of the period.

The extensive research conducted for our highly successful O scale project can be used once more to great advantage with this project and the images from that project can provide highly accurate representations of the various detail features for each version. Our project will consist of UP 4664-3, 4 & 5 class locomotives in six (6) versions plus the Rio Grande L-97 units and the single-stack Clinchfield E-3's. (Products bearing Union Pacific and Rio Grande marks are made under trademark license from Union Pacific Railroad Company)


  • Custom Programmed DCC Control & Sound with finest electronics available from Zimo Electronics, DCC & DC compatible
  • Twin Custom Coreless Ball-Bearing Equipped Motors
  • Purpose Designed Ball-Bearing Equipped Drive Mechanisms
  • Stainless Steel used for Driver Tires and all Wheel Sets
  • Nickel Silver Rods and Valve Gear
  • Complete Exterior & Interior Lighting using LED & Incandescent sources where appropriate, auto & manual control
  • Full Under-body Detail on Locomotive & Tender
  • Fully Equalized and Sprung Suspension
  • Ball-Bearing used on all Axles and Journal Boxes
  • Electronically Operated Valve Gear on both Engines, automatic and manual control
  • Full Cab Detail including Wood Roof Liner, Brass Gauge Bezels
  • Prototypical Operating Buffer between the Loco & Tender
  • All Hatches and Compartments will be Operational
  • Prototypically hung Running Boards which are mounted on miniature brackets extending from the boiler jacket, you will see daylight between the running boards and the boiler jacket


(click on version name to view prototype photos)

Version #1 'Early Coal' - Each of the three production orders included in this version had unique detailing and our models will reflect that. The available road numbers and the production orders to which they belonged were: the first production order road numbers were 3950-3969, the second production order road numbers were 3975-3999 and the third production order road numbers were 3930-3949. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Aluminum color markings.

Version #2 Coal 3967 - This version is the same as version #1 with the addition of wind wings (smoke lifters). Road number 3967 was one of two coal fired locomotives to have wind wings installed and was the only one to keep them until the end of service. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Aluminum color markings.

Version #3 'Late Coal' - This version incorporates a number of substantial modifications made during the mid-service period, which included: new pilot, new firebox arrangement, relocated generator, ATC (automatic train control) equipment and extended coal boards. By the late service period eighteen locomotives had been converted to oil firing so the remaining appropriate road numbers for this version are: 3933, 3935, 3936, 3939-3942, 3945-3974, 3985-3999. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Aluminum color markings.

Version #4 'Early Oil Fired' - The conversion to oil firing required substantial changes to the firebox and cab area of the locomotive, altered cab interior arrangement and a fuel tank in the coal bunker of the tender. Prior to being painted in the passenger paint scheme these eight locomotives had ‘wind wings’ installed, our models have removable ‘wind wings’ so that either period of operation can be modeled. The appropriate road numbers are: 3975-3984. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Aluminum color markings.

Version #5 'Passenger Paint Scheme' - This is the same as our version #4 model, but with the famous two-tone gray passenger paint scheme with silver-grey stripes. Road numbers: 3975-3984.

Version #6 'Late Oil Fired' - The late ‘oil’ version combines the design features of version #4 with the late modifications included on the version #3 models. Road numbers: 3700-3717. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Aluminum color markings.

Version #7 'Rio Grande' - This is the Rio Grande L-97 variation of our Challenger. With Rio Grande markings, it has detailing much the same as our version #1 second production order models. The applicable road numbers are: 3800-3805. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and White markings.

Version #8 'Clinchfield' - This is the Clinchfield E-3 class variant complete with single large exhaust stack. The basic features of this version are similar to version #1 second production order models with modifications made once in Clinchfield service. The Clinchfield E-3’s had road numbers: 670-675. Paint scheme: Black overall, Graphite smokebox & firebox and Yellow markings.

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