General Military Update
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3/12/25 - The level of interest that continues for my proposed military projects is honestly amazing to me considering that we have had basically no progress on development since we were all hit by COVID. I'm happy to report that we are now having constructive conversations with builders capable, more importantly, interested in taking on our vision of highly detailed brass military models. We do have some rail projects that are taking priority in the near term, but our discussions will be ongoing in an effort to schedule our first project for final development and production, that project being the M4 Sherman tank in 1/48th scale. 1/01/24 - The efforts of the last year have been focused on restarting existing model railroad projects that were stalled by the COVID pandemic and that has not allowed much time to devote to my intentions to model military subjects to the same standard. I am hoping that 2024 will be a more productive year since suppliers have had a period of months to recover and reorganize. Several builders that I had communicated with in my planning of military projects have unfortunately succumbed to the economic pressures created by COVID era restrictions and regulations making the planning situation far more difficult, but I remain hopeful. I will move forward with my plans when I feel that our established standards can be achieved and I will update here as appropriate. Many thanks for your continued interest!! 1/01/23 - As I look ahead to the new year and the efforts to reorganize and advance the production of our model railroad projects, I hold out a sincere hope that our military modeling efforts will take firm root and will advance as well. There are no easy answers to the many problems that have been created, only hard work and serious collaboration will provide the results we are all hoping for. Although you may only be interested in our military models, checking the General News page for the model railroading site should provide some inkling of what progress is being made with the primary projects which will allow for work on the military projects. The continued interest that has been expressed and shared in recent months is sincerely appreciated and has provided the motivation to work through all of the challenges to deliver a series of first-class brass military models! 11/02/21 - There is no secret that getting our military models produced prior to being hit by the COVID situation was taking forever and there were many reasons for this which I won't bother enumerating now. Getting anything well produced in recent months has been nearly impossible, at least to Kohs & Company standards. Oddly enough an opportunity to assemble a small group of master craftspeople has arisen from the COVID ashes and I am now exploring the potential for getting our military projects underway in earnest. This same group may well play into our future model railroading rolling stock production, which too has been very problematic. There will hopefully be more frequent updates going forward as this situation develops. 1/16/21 - From the time that the military project development started, there has been one road-block after another that has delayed getting to the point of actual production, the most recent has hampered everything, not just the military projects. I am happy to advise that I am again discussing these projects and in particular the M4 Sherman with a new builder that can seemingly handled my expectations. We will be feeling our way along to start, but I do have real hope that this may well be the time we succeed despite the odds! I will advise as we get further along in our planning and yes, these tanks would be a great load for our AAR flat cars! 6/06/18 - As part of my on going plan to produce precision high quality military scale models, I am now cooperating with the builder that will handle our 1:48 M4 Sherman tank model to develop 1:16 all metal scale tanks that will be extremely detailed and radio controlled. This cooperative effort will hopefully help ensure that our O scale military project will gain the attention that I have pushed for over the last several years. This concept was first discussed about two years ago and is now moving ahead along with our smaller version model. The first 1:16 model that we are developing is in fact the M4 Sherman. More details will be provided as the plan is fleshed out in the coming weeks. This project promises to provide a great deal of fun for military modeling fans! 1/01/17 - Wishing all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! 6/21/16 - With a recently completed visit overseas, I am happy to report that our military projects are now making progress!! The focus has been on our long-planned M4 Sherman tank project, but we were able to look down the road so to speak at future projects as well which was very encouraging. Additionally, a new joint effort project is now in the planning stages and I'll share more information as it takes shape, but I can tell you that for anyone that likes tanks and action, this will be the ultimate. 5/27/16 - The saga of trying to get our first military project produced goes on! After establishing a new working relationship in terms of a builder, his business has ended due to the severe economic pressures being faced by all of the brass model builders in Korea. This is an unfortunate situation and resulted in some lost time, but the good news is that the development work has resumed with an old friend doing the work in Korea. The interest in our military models continues to grow and everyone is extremely anxious to get the first model completed. There is a natural tie to our model railroading efforts and that was the genesis of the first project. That connection is being pursued at that same time as I consider appropriate rolling stock that would have been used for transporting our military equipment. More information is available on the M4 Sherman project site, please stay tuned, I am not giving up!! 2/21/16 - This is just a brief update to let those interested in our military projects know that the recently mentioned evaluation of our proposed projects is ongoing with our new builder. A number of new ideas have been suggested in terms of production techniques and it's now my turn to evaluate those suggestions. This is actually a very exciting part of the planning as it leads to making our first military models even better than originally planned. Please stay tuned as the evaluation and planing continues! 9/29/15 - The good news for those interested in our military projects is that are model railroading projects are almost up to date now after many months of work. This will finally allow us to start focusing on our long anticipated first military project, the M4 Sherman tank. Please see that project site for more information as we move forward. 5/23/14 - If you are interested in our long proposed military prototype models, you will want to read the latest General News Update of the same date included in our railroad model pages. Product capacity has been the nemesis of our military projects for many months, but we have hopefully made arrangements going forward that will allow our first military project to get into active production. The ongoing support that I have heard from so many of you vising this site has been greatly appreciated and quite frankly has been the driving force to get to the point we are now at. Please stay tuned for more updates in the very near future. 1/01/14 - It has been a long time coming, but hopefully 2014 will be the year that our military modeling efforts come to fruition. It has not been for lack of interest in our projects that they have not moved forward, but rather a lack of time as all of our efforts have been concentrated on getting our railroad model projects back on a more acceptable schedule. The ground work has been laid and our builder is in place, I hope to have concrete military project production plans in place during the first quarter of the new year. For those of you that have been contacting me to express your interest, I sincerely appreciate your efforts and they will be rewarded in the near future! 2/25/13 - Our military project development has been on the back burner for many months for a variety of reasons, but I am happy to report that we are again moving forward with our first planned project and are looking to make a selection for our second. If these projects are of interest, be sure to check out the update for our M4 Sherman project which is our first planned project. 7/16/09 - With our 'military' work back in progress I am starting to look at what our next project should be. If you are a military buff interested in what we are developing and have some ideas regarding what the second project should be, please let me know. There will be different versions of the M-4 produced, but there should be some contrasting equipment in between, should it be German, British .........? 6/13/09 - Due to circumstances created by family health issues, which are more fully explained on our main general news site, we have not been able to push forward with our military model development program until now. We are now actively planning and developing our first project as previously planned and we hope to begin providing regular updates to our military model site in the coming days. |