General News Updates 2001
All information and images protected, Copyright © 1997- 2025 Kohs & Company Inc, All Rights Reserved |
12/3/01 - Just a brief note regarding our NYC PT-4 tenders, we just released the last two for sale. These two particular models had been held back for future development, but we have now determined that is not necessary. The selling price is the original $950 (each), they are serialized and complete with certificates. If you have interest please get in touch right away as these will not last long! For details and photos, see the 'Late' Hudson project site. 11/25/01 - As we have indicated all along with our projects, once they are listed we fully intend to produce exactly what we outline. We continue to learn lessons as we develop our projects and business and as these lessons are digested we have to make reasonable decisions regarding our future plans. Because of what we went through with the development of the Y6b project we have reevaluated where we stand with projects beyond the Pennsy K-4, these projects are active in terms of gathering research and design materials. There may be some change in production order for the last five projects, one project in particular is lacking in material, the C&O K-3/K-3a, and we will not push forward and risk doing a project that leaves room for improvement. We are fully committed to each and every project, but we want to be able to do it as well as possible and without delay during the production process, delays at the time of production have gotten too costly and frustrating. Stay tuned for more detail as they develop. 11/19/01 - We have several quick notes with follow up on the appropriate pages through out the site. Our Y6b project is almost done...........YAH!! It will be finished at the end of this month and the final notices for customers with reservations are going out this week to allow us to start processing the final payments and the model shipments can follow as quickly as possible as soon as they arrive stateside. I have to again make a point of thanking our builder for the dedication and commitment to pursuing excellence. None of our projects have been easy because we have routinely pushed for higher standards, but the Y6b project has been the acid test of Mr. Lee's and Mr. Han's resolve, I know that it's a tough situation when even I feel guilty! During my last visit to the builder, I was handed a very short stack of photos, probably 6 in total, and was asked when we could do a project like this? The photos represented the entire reference package supplied by another importer to his builder to produce an upcoming 'Big Boy' and that builder had rubbed the situation in my builder's face because he knows how hard he works with each and every project to get it right. The effort is difficult to justify based on business principles when the inferior model has nearly the same profit margin, is finished in six months instead of three years and is sold to customers with minimal expectations .What a difference passion makes in any situation. There will be more information posted on the Y6b project update page shortly. Speaking of updates, we have posted our latest print update that was mailed to all on our mailing list, it is located on the customer update page. In the next edition we will be asking for a return response to cull out those individuals that no longer wish to receive our mail updates, with our latest mailing there have been a lot of returned pieces due to old addresses or no forwarding address. With the increasing cost of doing our mailings, there's no point in wasting money and effort, we'll explain more in the next issue. The Union Pacific 'type' development is progressing nicely and will be a very exciting project for all of us interested in the UP. It's so nice to start a project with a wealth of material to work with, we will not go through what we did with the Y6b on any future project, our sources will be proven up front before we commit major resources and effort to a project. Beginning with the 4-12-2 our process will change a little in an effort to streamline the development process and to allow a quicker delivery. The development will become more sophisticated as well, there are a number of new components available or that will be available and we aim to take full advantage of these with our new projects. Follow up on the UP 'type' homepage for more detail. As we move forward with the research and development of our Pennsy K-4 project, things are getting more complicated rather tahn easier. Nick Seman, the person on whom we rely for most of our Pennsy research, has undertaken an extensive research effort to make certain that we get the versions and variations right with this very complicated project. In the coming weeks and in the next update to be mailed during December, we will be presenting the findings of the research and will be asking for feedback to help guide our final decisions. If this is a project of interest, please pay close attention to our mailings and K-4 site. Rolling's coming right behind the Y6b! 11/7/01 - I apologize for the long delay in updating our site, time of late has been very short with all that is happening. We are pushing very hard to finish up the Y6b so that we can begin delivery late this month and right now that looks very possible. We are all thrilled with the accomplishments to date and we have no doubt that this will be our best model to date. The sound and control system produced by Dallee Electronics for us is absolutely outstanding and the 'play' value for the owners of our Y6b will be far beyond what has been previously offered. In addition to the Y6b we are working very hard on the development of the Union Pacific 4-12-2 and we should have a wealth of information to release after our pending trip to Korea is complete. This is going to be a particularly interesting project from a modeling stand point because of the unique nature of the prototype, please be sure to check back in a few days for the latest information. We will also be posting new information regarding the Pennsy K-4 project! Our cement car project is moving along nicely at this point and will be delivered immediately after the Y6b in complete. We continue to wrestle with production capacity issues, but that's a topic for our next major update. The patience of our customers is greatly appreciated! We announced some time ago that there was a new update in the mail and there actually is one! We have reorganized our mailing routine and it took a little longer to get things moving this time around. This new update should be received shortly. We will be taking a slightly different approach with our mailed updates in the near future and we'll explain more about that by the end of this month. If there are any particular topics that you would like to see covered either on the web site or in the mailed updates, please let us know and we'll be glad to address those suggested subjects. More after Korea..............again! 10/17/01 - Just a brief message; there is a new update going into the mail this weekend, it will be well marked as coming from us, so do not be afraid to open it. The update includes a number of photos of the latest Y6b. We are making every effort to maintain our travel schedule related to current and future projects so that we can keep the projects on schedule, life has to go on. Stay tuned!! 9/30/01 - We finally have the latest images of the Y6b processed and posted on the site, be sure to take time to review what this project has to offer. The image below is just a sampling of what we have posted. We are trying very hard to get back up to speed after all of the current events that have been such a profound influence on our daily activity. We like everyone else have to try and get back to business as usual, stay tuned for more new information! 9/23/01 - Today is the official day that we are to try and get back to a normal life, most of us I am sure will find that very difficult. I would like to thank all of you that sent comments regarding the essay that we had posted on our homepage, most were insightful and though provoking. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of those affected by the events of September 11th and the aftermath and most certainly, all of those taking action to protect our great country. We have a lot of new information to share and we will try to get back on track, no pun intended, with passing that information on to all that have an interest in what we are trying to do. One additional note; this past week one of our greatest supporters, Jim Williams of Columbus, Ohio gave us a real scare as he suffered from a serious cardiac incident. Jim under went surgery on Wednesday and after seeing him on Thursday, I can tell you that he is doing just fine and is looking good! Our thoughts will be with Jim and his wife Betty as he continues his recuperation. 9/16/01 - I know that this past week has been extremely difficult for us all and I am personally left in a state of utter disbelief. Having just returned from Korea there is much new information to share about our projects, but I will do that at a more appropriate time. I do want to share with you the best wishes and feelings of sorrow that our good friends at Sun Jin models offered on Tuesday evening, their message also expressed a very real feeling of outrage. Although Mr. Lee & Mr. Han have not met many of our customers, they feel a real connection because of a common interest in modeling. We also heard from the good people at Samhongsa in Korea, a company most of you are familiar with, who offered their best wishes. 8/31/01 - I wanted to use a couple of lines to pass along an interesting piece of news, something that should be of particular interest to our GG-1 owners. It has come to our attention that one of the 'Big' toy train companies is actively trying to purchase one of the GG-1's that we produced in order to use it in the development of their own new GG-1. While some would say that we should be flattered, it's rather frustrating and unfortunate that others with far greater resources find it necessary to feed off of the efforts of a little company like ours! We spend thousands of dollars and untold hours developing our research in an effort to produce the most accurate model we possibly can, maybe that's why we're small and then again, maybe we're closer to the true American spirit than the big guys on the block. The question comes to mind, who did Joshua Cowen copy from when Lionel produced their world famous scale NYC Hudson? 8/30/01 - We had planned on putting out our latest mail update this week, but we received word that our repaired Y6b sample will be available next week and we would like to feature that model in the update. As a result of this change, we will plan on mailing our new update at the end of next week which will allow us enough time to photograph the new Y6b sample. The new photos will also be featured on the web site in the Y6b project section, be looking for this new material late next week on the web. 8/19/01 - During this late summer period we are working very hard on the organization of future projects, this is in additional to the projects already in production, needless to say we are staying very busy. There are several opportunities under consideration and we have to look very closely at the implications involved. Most significantly, we are working to establish dedicated operations for the production of rolling stock, both freight and passenger. We are also headed toward establishing a dedicated operation for the production of prototypes other than standard gauge steam. As this all develops we will certainly keep you informed. Every once in a while we receive a flurry of inquiries from modelers/collectors regarding our plans involving particular roads that we have not already modeled, the most recent being the Southern Pacific. I can assure those interested in the SP that we are looking seriously at three different classes of steam power to model, but we are not ready yet to announce any of our selections, they will come in due time. Among the roads that we are looking at are the: Santa Fe, Northern Pacific, Lackawanna, Missouri Pacific, Rio Grande, D&RGW and the RGS. As part of this update, several of our project sites have been updated and there will be a new update regarding the N&W Y6b posted shortly, be sure to check it all out. 8/3/01 - We're back from the National O Scale Convention and it was great to see so many of you at the show. The convention provided a mixed experience; an opportunity to see the latest from others involved in the business of O scale, new business opportunities and most importantly an opportunity to spend time with good friends which is what the hobby is suppose to be all about. I thank those that shared their time with me and made the event so enjoyable. Most notably in the new product arena, Steve Grabowski announced the launch of a new line of models under the name Keystone Model Works, he plans on producing versions of the Pennsy GLa hopper and also the Pennsy GS gondola. Steve's efforts will be a welcome addition to the hobby because Steve is a quality person that is certain to deliver a real quality product, something our hobby needs more of. I'll provide more information as it becomes available. I was very flattered by the eagerness of what may be the largest brass dealer in North America to represent our product line, I'm sure that they would do a very nice job and it would be very nice to have the dealer cushion.................................but as I ultimately had to explain, it all goes back to my original commitment at the outset of this business to have one price carved in stone for everyone. Certainly our models are not perfect and our business performance is not perfect, but if I stop chasing the ideal, it will be time to stop producing O scale models. Just a brief comment on customers and sales; we still have some customers that are unhappy that they could not acquire exactly what they desired from the last production after the project became fully reserved. I remind everyone again that I have held true to my commitment in allowing existing customers to reserve new projects first, I cannot honor that status indefinitely. After the reservation process is complete all I can do is my best to distribute any model that may become available as fairly as possible considering all the possible variables involved. An interesting sidelight; we now have customers in the following countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Germany, Switzerland, France, Japan, Korea, Italy, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands. 7/22/01 - With another trip to Korea logged, there is more excitement than ever regarding our current and future projects! Shown below is Mr. Lee at Sun Jin Models operating their new CNC machine center, the latest piece of equipment brought in to produce our models. Mr. Lee is showing me how the machine was used to 'carve' the main-frames for our Y6b locomotive from solid brass stock and after inspecting the parts I can tell you that the precision was within 1/100 of a millimeter. More information on the Y6b will be presented on the Y6b project update page. We currently have two other active projects running, the UP 'type' and the PRR GLe class cement cars, both projects are progressing nicely and more detail will be provided on their respective project update pages. We will also be presenting new material on both projects at the upcoming O Scale Nationals in Stamford later this coming week. On the subject of future projects, we continue to review a great deal of input that is still coming in from those interested in our scheduled PRR K-4 project, this promises to be our biggest project yet! S.J. has a new painter on staff and although it is difficult to believe, his work is even better than the previous painter. He is a fine arts painter by trade and that seems to make a real difference in his approach to his work. We continue to seek out the best talent available for our projects and SJ Models deserves a lot of credit for their dedication to our mission. During this most recent visit, I had the opportunity to review one of the Caterpillar D11R dozer models that SJ produced for Classic Construction Models and all I can say is that I wish that it was my project! What a gorgeous model, you may want to check out CCM's web site to view photos of this model, our congratulations to both SJ and CCM for their effort. One last note from the NMRA National Train Show, I picked up a nice new piece of reference material that I recommend to those with an interest in Pere Marquette rolling Stock. The new book is published by Hundman Publishing and titled Pere Marquette Revenue Freight Cars, check out their web site. 7/16/01 - Just a quickie update after returning from the NMRA National Train Show; the show seemed to be 'lightly' attended, but we had a good time conferring with a number of Korean builders that were in attendance and we did see a number of our customers there. It was great to see Henry Bultman of Car & Locomotive Shop fame at the show and we had a chance to talk for quite an extended period, all is well with Henry and He'll be at the O Scale Nationals next week as will we. For those interested in our GLe cement car, we have extended the reservation period through the show next week by popular request. We'll be doing a mail update right after the 'Nationals', so by the first of the month there will be lots of fresh information to share. Off to Korea for a couple of days.......................we'll update again after this trip! 6/26/01 - We apologize for the lack of updates and news over the last few days, the rebuilding effort on our site has continued to dominate our web time. Although it currently does not look substantially different, the behind the screen operation has been streamlined and 'cleaned up' in an effort to make the implementation of future technology easier. Our original software did not live up to it's billing so the transition has been a challenge and has left little time for new material. Our current site contains more than a thousand files and consumes approximately 60MB of disc space on our hosting server. We should be ready now for new updates! Stay tuned. 6/15/01 - Over the past several days some of that view our site on a regular basis have noted that there has been a new date noted on our 'home page', but there have been no new pages noted on the site index, this has not has been by mistake. We are currently involved in changing our site production software to allow for a more dynamic site presentation and it has turned out to be a more consuming effort than originally anticipated! This situation should not reoccur in the near future, but should you see it, be advised that it is only for our auditing purposes as we work on the site and that you are not missing any new information. As our site has grown it has become more difficult to apply the desired changes across the entire site and our new software will allow us to do this type of work more effectively. Our new information updates will begin today, so check back later this day. 5/15/01 - As of this posting a new update is being completed for mailing at the end of this week, included in the mailing will be the offering materials for our Pennsylvania GLe class cement car, our first piece of rolling-stock. If you do not notice ads for Kohs & Company in O scale related publications, do not be concerned, we are not folding our tent! The forthcoming update represents a change in our business approach, our updates will be our only print communication with those interested in O scale modeling, we have ceased all advertising in periodicals and plan on publishing our updates more frequently to target those with an expressed interest in what we do. Because our mailing list has grown so much and continues to, it did make economic sense to continue both promotional efforts, better to stick with those that have the greatest interest. In recent weeks we have been heavily involved in continuing research for our Y6b project and most recently have been overwhelmed with a flood of new material. There is no doubt that our Y6b will be our finest project yet and a high-water mark in railroad modeling. As with all of our previous projects, we have reached a point where a decision must be made; with a wealth of new material uncovered through diligent research we have the opportunity to deliver far more than promised at the outset to our customers holding reservations for our Y6b, the question, do we do so and diminish an already slim profit margin? For more details be sure to check out our Y6b project site. As mentioned above, the offering material for our GLe cement car will hit the mail slot shortly. Our offering consists of ten (10) variations cover a time period from 1931 well into the sixties. I must publicly thank Mr. Nick Seman for his help and guidance, Nick is as good as it gets in terms of Pennsy research and we are proud to have an ongoing working relationship with him. For more information on what we have decided and plan, check out the GLe project site. While the development of our current projects moves forward, at the same time we need to continue the process of advancing our up coming projects, next the Union Pacific 4-12-2 and then the most highly sought after project to date, the Pennsy K-4. Both of these projects as it turns out present great modeling and research challenges, not surprisingly the K-4 has a multitude of variations to wade through, but the UP 'type' also has a number of significant variants to choose from and we have our hands full making the decisions. If you have interest in either of these projects be sure to check out where we are in the decision making process and then let us know what you think we should do. As always, our intentions are to please our customer base not our own interests. One last comment for this news update; several customers have indicated to me that they were never aware that we had made available for separate purchase a limited number of Lima built New York Central PT-4 tenders, we in fact did. We built twenty (20) extra tenders for sale separately at a price of $950 and only three (3) pieces remain. The decision to offer these tenders separately was a simple one, the NYC PT tenders were the ultimate in tender technology primarily due to their ability to scoop water at very high speeds, no other tender from any road offered a better design for mainline service. This is one tender model that stands on it's own, if you would like to see more detail, please refer to the 'Late' J3a Hudson site. Check back soon for more news! 5/13/01 - It seems that we finally have everything on our site back to normal after the problems began approximately one week ago. This situation has unfortunately kept us from posting many of the updates that we had planned for this past week, but that work will begin in earnest tomorrow. As time goes on, managing our site becomes more time consuming even though we have intentionally kept it simple for ease of navigation, the site now contains over 1,000 files and over 2,000 hyper links, thankfully we routinely have very few reported problems from those navigating our pages. We have a lot of news to report ranging from important developments with our Y6b project and the start of the reservation process for our Pennsy GLe cement car to finalizing version plans for our Union Pacific 4-12-2 and Pennsy K-4 projects. The new updates will begin tomorrow, so be sure to check back! 5/7/01 - We once again apologize for the inability of our web host to keep our site up and running on a reliable basis, we will be taking the appropriate action to avoid the unfortunate down time again experienced. Now that we are back up and running, we will be updating a number of our project sites, please check back in the coming hours. 4/12/01 - We have just two quick items to mention since yesterday; it has again been pointed out to us that our yet to be produced models are being listed on dealer sites at substantially higher prices than our own, we have to advise that our sales policy has not changed, will still do not have dealers and do not directly support dealers other than to sell them models at the regular price just like all of our other customers. If the dealers in question can buy at regular price, mark up the models and make a profit, more power to them we appreciate the business! Ever since Division Point models indicated that they would not be producing the C&O wooden cabooses they had contemplated, that project had been suggested to us as a winner. We have given it serious consideration, but are now aware of at least two importers that are planning on doing this project, unless something changes, we will not be pursuing this C&O project. 4/11/01 - As we move through Spring and head for Summer, things are not slowing down at all for Kohs & Company.............thank goodness! The development of our Y6b project continues, our Union Pacific 4-12-2 is underway, we are getting ready to 'go out' for reservations on our Pennsy GLe cement car and the development of our future rolling stock continues. In addition to the comments offered below, be sure to check out the individual project update pages over the next couple of days for specific project updates. We are continuing to talk with other importers trying to make certain that our efforts are short, not stepping on each others toes in duplicating project efforts. One of our favorite competitors, Pat O'Boyle of Pacific Limited fame is gearing up for his latest efforts and we anxiously await the new releases. On the subject of importing, the latest situation in China is the perfect explanation for why Kohs & Company has not and will not pursue production in that country, this is as much a personal decision as it is a business decision. From the outset of our business we have requested feedback from our customers and hobbyists in general, every once and while we receive criticism for not graciously accepting the input of 'experts' that offer their opinion regarding our projects, sometimes to us directly and often times through our customers. The following quote is representative of the situation that we often times find ourselves in, it comes from an individual that is very quick to point to his position as a Trustee' of the New York Central Historical Society as authentication of his knowledge, "Although I feel that the use of a tapered rod on a 'late' J-3a model is not correct, it can be construed as technically correct in view of the above information". The 'above information' was factual data that explained in part the implementation of a modified side rod on the later J3a NYC Hudson locomotives. The minute details of the situation are not important what is important is the attitude of it's not what the facts are, it's what that individual says that counts! What should we do with this type of input, should we be gracious and accepting in spite of the facts and incredible arrogance or should we dismiss it for what it is? Tell us what you think...................... we do care and will continue to ask for honest input, we greatly appreciate the effort that it takes to organize and submit information. I am sure that we will hear from some of our customers that we shouldn't worry about the above situation, because our models sell out in spite of it all, but the issue is larger than just our little company. With the use of the Internet growing by leaps and bounds, more and more hobbyists are using their computers to participate in chat rooms and discussion groups relating to model railroading and that can be a real positive for the hobby. On the other hand, I have seen the Internet used to organize freeze outs (a campaign not to buy a particular project in order to drive the price down) on importers, I have also seen projects die on the vine because incorrect information was spread intentionally or otherwise that there were major faults with a model, what a destructive force these situations can be. These types of situations are almost routine at this point and yet people that are knowing or inadvertent participants wonder why the hobby is suffering from a lack of participation. 3/25/01 - Well, our show travels are over for a while and it has again been a great opportunity to meet and talk with our customers at the shows since the first of the year, but it's good to get back to the business at hand, shipping our latest project. We still have shows to attend coming into summer so check our show schedule if you are interested. The feedback that we have received regarding our latest project, the 'Late' variation J3a NYC Hudson, has been overwhelming. This project is the classic 'good news - bad news' situation for us as a company, with many new individuals seeking to purchase our model (the good news), the bad news is that the project has been sold out for months. This particular project offers a great example of how we intend to progress with our model making efforts, a comparison of this latest project with our very first will show a number of improvements and additional attention to detail. This type of effort will be consistent throughout our endeavor. We have now posted a Service Log for this project, just as we did for the previous projects. This will allow us to update other owners on situations that they may experience and just as important will help to eliminate the rumors that are always associated with a new project, why that is I'll never understand, but it's a fact of doing business. If your an interested operator, keep track and see if we receive any complaints that are duplicated from our previous projects, if we do, we screwed up! The reservation process for our upcoming Norfolk & Western Y6b project is drawing to a close and we have been amazed at the support for this project in spite of the price. We certainly feel that our Y6b will be a great value, but we also understand that $4,000 is still a lot of money regardless of value. There will be more new information posted on the project update page for this project in the next couple of days. If you are interested in submitting a reservation for one of out Y6b's, please contact us directly as we are now at the point where the availability may change from hour to hour. On the subject of rolling stock, we continue to receive many inquiries about our Pennsy GLe cement car, we are moving forward with the project, but we have held off starting the reservation process until we wrapped up the Y6b reservations. By the end of this month the offering will be in the mail to our existing customers and then following our usual process, the offering will go out to everyone else that has expressed an interest in purchasing one of our GLe's. This is the first in a series of rolling stock projects and due to market conditions, we will be listing some of our next projects in the very near future. Just as has happened with the selection of locomotive projects we are now seeing importers 'jumping on' projects even though they are aware that other importers has definite production plans for the same projects, what a business sense! There is absolutely no way to prevent this type of move, our only effort can be to let our customers and supporters know what our plans are and then there can at least be an informed decision on what to buy based on the reputation of the involved importers. This is not meant to be 'sour grapes', but it is one of the factors that must be dealt with in this business, it would be just too easy to concentrate on building good models! Check back in the near future if your interested in rolling stock to see what our plans are. Because, we will be limited in what we can and will produce in terms of rolling stock, we will make every effort to announce what other importers of similar quality products are planning and there will be a specific web page set up for this purpose. On a personal modeling level, after looking at the latest O scale products available at the recent shows there are a couple that I suggest that you take a look at; the Overland Models Norfolk & Western passenger car set which is beautiful and the Car & Locomotive Shop Fairbanks-Morse 'Trainmaster' diesel, one of which I purchased. We have web links listed for both of these companies on our Friendly Links page. For those of you on our mailing list, we are working on our next update which should hit the mailbox in the next two weeks, keep an eye out for it. 3/12/01 - We have just a brief update today to be followed by more new information later tonight, we want the following information available as soon as possible so those attending the March O Scale Meet in Chicago this coming weekend can plan accordingly. As you may have read in previous posting or may know from first hand knowledge, we hosted a customer get-together in California during O Scale West this past month and had planned on doing the same type of thing at the March O Scale Meet. We have now been asked by Mike Hill the show organizer to be involved in a similar type of event open to all show attendees, we have gratefully accepted and encouraged that he invite other importers as we did in California. The event will happen on Friday evening at 9:00PM in one of the main gathering rooms, there will be detailed information available during check-in at the show registration tables. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and from my standpoint, register any complaints that you may have. As a result of this development, Kohs & Company will not host a separate gathering at this show. We look forward to seeing you at the show and hopefully at the importer gathering! 2/27/01 - As our show tour continues, we are having a great time discussing our current projects and future plans with those in attendance. We have had a great deal of feedback regarding the mention of Pat O'Boyle and Pacific Limited in our previous update, while it's true Pat has not released a project recently, he is planning and developing his future releases and has enjoyed a sabbatical while dealing with personal matters in recent months. Many of Pat's faithful are aware that he is planning on producing a series of Pennsy GLa and GLca class hoppers and we have chosen to promote that fact since Pat's philosophy is so much like ours. In the future we will be conferring on our rolling stock projects so that we do not inadvertently start developing conflicting projects and hopefully we can do complimentary projects which would be a nice change of pace in the hobby. On a similar note, we have had numerous requests in recent weeks to develop a small New York Central steam project, most often mentioned has been the K-3 Pacific. At the most recent show we had the opportunity to discuss future projects with Dan McKee of Key Imports, Incorporated and I am happy to tell you that those of who that requested a K-3 will get your wish although Kohs & Company will not be doing the project. We were given permission by Mr. McKee to let our customers know that they will be producing the NYC K-3 in the coming months, if you would like further information you should contact Key Imports directly so that we do not provide incorrect information. We will continue to consider other possible small steam projects from the NYC. Stay tuned for information leading up to the March O Scale Meet in Chicago, it's not too late to make plans to attend and we'd love to see and talk to you there! 2/18/01 - It's been a very busy year already and we are just getting started! After trips to Korea to get our late variation Hudsons shipped over to our shop, we have been at two shows, one in Springfield, Massachusetts and the latest in Santa Clara, California for O Scale West. In addition to all of the traveling, we are in the process of wrapping up the development and reservations for our latest project, the Norfolk & Western Y6b. The shows this time around were particularly interesting, because we showed the early sample for the Y6b, our little Pennsy cement car and a production sample of our late variation Hudson. The response to all three projects was extremely positive and I only wish that we had about another fifty Hudsons to sell, but unfortunately they have been sold out for several months. As planned, at O Scale West we had a customer get together on Friday evening after show hours and everyone seem to feel that it was a productive event and a chance for customers to meet one another. Present at the gathering were two fellow importers for whom I have a lot of respect; Pat O'Boyle of Pacific Limited fame and Henry Bultman from Car and Locomotive Shops. Just in case you are not familiar with either of these individuals, Pat O'Boyle has routinely developed and delivered the finest rolling stock available in O scale while Henry Bultman is the man responsible for the two fabulous Western Maryland steamers, the C&O H-4 & H-6's and the extended series of Alco diesels. I felt that the presents of these two gentlemen was of particular importance in that it allowed three importers the opportunity to compare notes in a constructive manner to promote the good of the hobby. If we are able to continue this effort it will certainly benefit those involved in the hobby through less duplication of projects and with an open exchange of ideas all of our products are bound to achieve greater accuracy and quality. We look forward to having another gathering of this sort, potentially in Chicago during the Midwest O Scale Meet held in March. One suggestion of particular importance that resulted from our O Scale West gathering was that we should be more proactive in guiding our customers in gaining the best performance from our models which they purchase. With the issue of power supplies being one of the most critical factors in achieving optimum performance and durability, we have taken that suggestion to heart and have put together a special offer for what we feel is the best power supply available to operate not only our locomotives, but any manufacturers models. For the benefit of all Kohs & Company customers, we have arrangements with Dallee Electronics to subsidize the sale of their 'Engineer' power pack at a special price for any of our customers that are interested in optimum performance and durability. There will be a special mailing with all of the details and the units will be available directly from Dallee Electronics, the mailing will be going out this coming week. We are headed for another big show this coming weekend in Baltimore, Maryland and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there, customers and potential new customers alike. This show should be a lot of fun because it is being held in the B&O Museum, not only will you be able to see the little locomotives, but the big ones too! If you make it to the show, please stop by to see us. Don't forget to check the Index page for project updates. 1/29/01 - An important piece of news for those of you that are operators of scale roads, the Dallee 'Engineer' power pack is once again available for purchase directly from Dallee Electronics, Inc. One of the most frequently asked questions concerns what power to use for operator a locomotives, the only one that we recommend is the Engineer, for two very basic reasons: quality and performance! Customers are often concerned with the running quality of their new model and they never consider the importance of the power supply, once you seriously evaluate a quality unit you'll never question or disregard the importance again. Be sure to check the Index page for new project updates. 1/25/01 - Another trip to Korea complete and the plans for the year's work are well in hand. Be sure to check the individual project headings in the index to see further details regarding the projects involved for the coming year. We previously mentioned that we would be having an informal customer get together during the O Scale West show which is coming up on the 9th and 10th of February, those plans are now taking shape and it will actually happen on Friday evening which is the 9th. If you are planning on attending the show check in with us at our display for the details. 1/15/01 - The new year has started off with a real bang, by the time we reach the third week of January there will have been two visits to Korea already this year. We have a lot happening right now, the delivery of our 'Late' variation J3a NYC Hudson, the start of the reservation process for the Norfolk & Western Y6b, the beginnings of our rolling stock program and of course a concerted effort to get some of our accessory items produced. The demand for the projects that we have undertaken has never been greater, but we're still struggling with the slow pace of our production, coming into the new year we have a new plan though. There will be more information as our plan develops! Starting next month we have a series of shows to do and we're looking forward to seeing many of you along the way. One evening during O Scale West we will be hosting an informal get together for our customers in attendance so if you are currently a customer and will be at that show, be sure to get the details, this will be a great opportunity to share some ideas and current project information. During one of our East coast or Midwest stops we'll be doing the same thing so stay tuned for more detail. We have more information to sure about specific projects so be sure to check out the project sites for current updates. 1/1/01 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We have a lot of new and exciting plans for the new year so please stay tuned. |