Railroad Model Site Directory last updated: 3/18/2025 If this is your first visit to our web home, please make sure to visit the Introduction page for an overview of the Kohs & Company business philosophy. Our site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 850x600 or greater using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari with a zoom factor of 100%. It is also highly recommended that your browser cache/history be set to clear whenever you close the browser or to check for new information whenever a saved page is viewed. If these settings are not used, you may miss new updates to your favorite saved pages. We utilize Adobe 'PDF' files throughout our site to transfer downloadable information to our visitors, if you are unfamiliar with this technology please refer to the icon at the bottom of this page for assistance. If you are a first-time visitor to Kohs & Company, it is recommended that you read the following to gain the most information possible regarding projects of interest: To determine the status of a particular project, navigate to the project site of interest using the links below and then select the 'project update' link, on the project Homepage, the availability or project status will be the first information offered on that page. If you are a return visitor, check the date to the right of the project site heading to see if changes have been made since your last visit, very recent additions will be highlighted by Further general status notes regarding projects listed below; projects noted as 'Past' are those previously produced, ones labeled as 'Current' are in production or were recently completed, if labeled 'Active' the research and design phase is ongoing, but with a definite time line for production. If noted as 'Future', a project is still being actively researched and developed, but adequate resources are already in hand to allow for production scheduling. Projects listed as 'Research' are those for which there has been and is a definite desire for future production while currently lacking sufficient design resources to plan accordingly, efforts continue. Finally, 'Archived Projects' are those that have been in the research phase for an extended period of time and I now find that there is slim hope of acquiring sufficient reference to move the project forward. The positioning of 'Active', 'Future' and 'Research Project' labeled projects on the list below, which indicates anticipated production order, can change at any time prior to production starting. Home - Union Pacific 'type' 4-12-2 Introduction & Contact Information 1/01/24 Project Research & Development 5/02/22 Model Construction 6/02/17 Purchase & Payment Information 6/25/24 General News Update 3/18/25 General News Archive:
Printed Updates 3/14/17 The Art of Brass Models Special Projects:
O Scale Steam Locomotive Projects: Past Project - New York Central J3a (4-6-4) 3/19/23 O Scale Diesel & Turbine Locomotives:
O Scale Caboose Projects:
O Scale Freight Rolling Stock Projects:
O Scale Work Equipment Projects:
Roundhouse Sales 1/14/25 Backshop Supply Sales 2/12/24 Library Sales 8/07/24 The Art of Weathering 3/30/22 Kohs & Company Models In-Service Photos 3/03/21 Technical Information 1/04/25 Historical Data Archive (Fine Art Models/Lionel) 6/25/24 Our Show Schedule 2/11/24 Model Railroad Shows of Interest 2/11/24 Friendly Links 6/21/21 Privacy Policy 3/14/23