General News Updates 2024

All information and images protected, Copyright © 1997- 2025 Kohs & Company Inc, All Rights Reserved

12/16/24 - It was a busy weekend monitoring the migration of our website and email server to the latest hardware and software available. A special thank you to the crew at InMotion Hosting for handling the migration with zero downtime for any of our services, a difficult feat requiring critical timing. This move was necessary to be able to handle the ever increasing number of visitors to and to stay current with the technical demands throughout the Internet world, this site is regularly viewed by visitors in eighty-one (81) countries. We have had to keep our content static awaiting the completion of the migration, but we are now free to resume updates and to implement improvements throughout the site.

12/13/24 - I am again updating regarding the migration of this website to a new server with the latest operating system. The service is planned for 2PM EST, this will explain any downtime of the site that you may experience. The site will have a new DNS address and it may take several hours for the new address to fully propagate throughout the Internet so that it will be recognized as Thank you in advance for your patience!

12/08/24 - Just a brief note of frustration; the planned server update that was to happen yesterday did not happen for some unknown reason. InMotion Hosting, like so many other companies is struggling to provide the level of service promised and we all know that snowballs roll downhill to put it kindly. Updating on this situation is only important to explain in advance potential website downtime to visitors to this website. I will continue to update regarding any action that may impact availability to this site.

12/04/24 - The previously mentioned website server migration will be taking place on 12/07/24 in mid afternoon. If you have trouble accessing this website during this time frame, do not be concerned. The migration is a relatively short time process, but it will take a bit of time for the Internet addressing to repropagate so that the site can be found at Any 'bookmarks' that you have saved for this site should be functional once the whole process has completed. The migration to a new server is an effort to keep the website performing as quickly and safely as possible with an ever growing number of visitors. The new arrangement will include new technology that will keep visitors as safe as possible during visits and without any form of tracking. Thanking you in advance for your patience.

11/18/24 - A further update to my last on 10/29; the server migration that has been planned for still has not happened and I have been holding off on doing updates waiting for that to be completed. I am going to go ahead shortly with some updates while my hosting company Inmotion Hosting gets it's act together. On a positive note, Norton the software security company, has resolved the issue of their newest web browser security software blocking this website for no valid reason. You can probably well imagine what the communications regarding this issue were like.

More news soon!

10/29/24 - I have several important maintenance updates that need to be addressed regarding this website. First and foremost, the latest version of Norton anti-virus software (24.xx xx) is creating issues with accessing this website. Although the site is rated as 'Safe' by Norton and Google Safe Web, the latest Norton Browser Protection software is mistakenly blocking access to the site. Norton has been contacted multiple times and I am awaiting their resolution of the issue. I would suggest avoiding the use of Norton products based on their careless software implementation. Be assured that accessing the address is in fact safe.

In an unrelated matter, this website will be moving to a new server within the same hosting company in the next few days. This move may create a brief period of time when the site will not be accessible until the new technical addressing changes repropagate. The move is being made to assure that going forward we have the best possible access and performance for the site based on the typical number of visitors we service. Do not be concerned if this website is not responsive for a brief period of up to approximately 4-24 hours.

Thanking you in advance for your patience, understanding and future interest!

6/25/24 - Knowing that many of my clients with Kohs & Company are also collectors of Fine Art Models, if you are looking to buy or sell FAM models, you may want to check out information that I have posted this date elsewhere on this website: The General Collectible News page in the Collectible Sales section.

4/23/24 - I continue to receive inquiries from all over the modeling/collecting community about the status of projects other than just our Union Pacific Big Boy. I need to again provide reassurance that projects that have been under development, whether locomotives or rolling stock are being pursued on as timely a basis as possible. The Big Boy project has to be the priority for obvious reasons, but at the same time, a great deal of investment has already been made in several projects that have been awaiting their turn to be the focus of all efforts. The nature of my approach to get 'things' right with locomotive projects, typically means that one locomotive at a time is the focus, although background, research and basic design work can be advanced while a primary project is in production and rolling stock can be handled by secondary builders.

Rolling stock projects present a different challenge, historically, not many builders have been interested in producing such projects and many refuse to. Post pandemic, there are fewer fiscally sound competent builders still working and the no compromise standards I have set for my projects have only made it more of a challenge. Discussions and planning are ongoing with the original builders slated to produce my rolling stock projects which have already been developed while pricing is yet to be finalized. You may have read about some of the recently released HO scale brass projects reported on several of the forums, a brass caboose priced over $800 and a pickle tank car selling for over $900! Needless to say, I will be working to cooperate with trusted builders that I can deal with in order to deliver first-class models at realistic prices. My longevity in the importing business does provide some assurance that working with Kohs & Company is not a 'flash-in-the-pan' situation with over twenty-five years in business and going on forty years of experience including my Fine Art Models years.

I will be posting information pertaining to specific projects on the individual project sites when appropriate and general updates will appear here. Your continued interest is certainly appreciated!

2/11/24 - This post is essentially a PSA (public service announcement) for all current and future Kohs model owners. Based on support inquiries that I routinely receive and in-service models that I experience, I never cease to be amazed at the lack of care and concern some owners show for the Kohs models, and I assume others, that they own. Maintaining one's investment in an expensive brass model seems only to make sense. Keeping models clean and as dust-free as possible while retaining original boxes, paperwork, accessory packs and functional accessories such as sound control units will go a long way towards not only maintaining, but enhancing your investment. If a model is going to be displayed, it is best to have it covered with a case or in a closed cabinet. If left to the 'wilds' of the open environment, particularly in a location that relies on oil-fired heat, it makes cleaning a model to restore the original finish near impossible which seriously affects the value of the model.

Unfortunately, I have seen and heard of many models suffering the results of the above ending up on eBay and in auctions being delivered to unsuspecting buyers. Buy with caution if you don't know the owner or have not thoroughly evaluated the reputation of the business selling the model you are interested in. Lastly, make sure that you ask if the model has been rail tested, all features, and that a return for full credit is possible if the model does not perform as described.

1/01/24 - Looking forward to a new and better year, wishing you good health and happiness! I have encountered many business 'hurtles' in the past year, but my commitment to planned projects has never been more resolved. Thankful for good health and the support of numerous friends/clients, I look forward to even more exciting and rewarding developments in the months ahead. We have to be sure to remember friends of our modeling/collecting community that have passed on, their friendship and contributions to the hobby, whether large or small, will be missed.

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