General News Updates 2019
All information and images protected, Copyright © 1997- 2025 Kohs & Company Inc, All Rights Reserved |
12/31/19 - Another year is coming to a close and I am looking forward to 2020. There have been accomplishments in the last twelve months and there have also been some frustrations. Most importantly, in the coming months I am looking forward to more predictable project timing and hopefully a final resolution to the trade situation between the US and it's Asian trading partners. I want to thank everyone that has supported Kohs & Company, you continue to make the work of our 'team' possible. The work that we are doing is by far the best yet and although it certainly has not gotten any easier, we continue to find ways to advance our project standards in significant ways, beyond what anyone else is even attempting. Wishing our supporters and visitors to this site a very prosperous and Happy New Year!! 12/22/19 - Wishing all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! 11/05/19 - By way of this update, I am very happy and proud to announce the arrival of our first grandchild, Samuel, who was delivered during the time of the TCA York Meet, so it was a great choice to stay home and wait for the big event. Since I was not able to attend the York Meet, I opted to attend an RPM (Railroad Prototype Modelers) conference in Lisle, Illinois. I have to offer a sincere apology to those that came to the conference looking for Kohs & Company, because I was there for only a short time. After setting up the display and participating for a few hours, I received a phone call from home regarding a medical emergency. I packed up very early Friday morning and headed back home, I was only able to notify a couple of other attendees before my departure so I suspect that most interested modelers never knew what had happened and why I wasn't there as planned......again, my sincere apology to all affected. Time has not been my friend to say the least, but I'm getting back to dealing with all our pending issues. Many thanks to those that have patiently tried to reach me for various reasons, I should be available on an ongoing basis until I head overseas in the near future. 10/16/19 - Just a brief update to announce that I will not be able to attend the TCA York Fall Meet scheduled for this weekend. Our family is currently on 'new baby' watch with the arrival of our first grandchild imminent. Allegheny Scale Models will be utilizing my space for this meet so by all means stop by to see their latest offerings. I look forward to seeing our usual 'York' modelers at the spring meet or one of the other shows I currently have planned. 9/04/19 - It is with sincere regret that I have to acknowledge the passing of Mike Hill this past weekend. Mike had been struggling with illness for a number of months and his passing is a significant loss for the model railroading hobby in general and more specifically the O scale community. Mike is well known for being the founder of the O Scale March Meet in Chicago, the most important yearly meet for O scalers, in recent years the show has been fostered by Mike's great family. For serious O scalers, Mike's passion for 'Hudson' type locomotives and the New York Central Railroad was well understood and Mike had put together one of the finest collections ever reflecting those interests as well as other specialties. His dedication to researching the models in his collection is unique in the hobby and one of several reasons why his collection of models was so important. I will miss the discussions with Mike during the annual March Meets about his auto restoration projects which was another of his serious interests. I wish the Hill family the peace of mind knowing that Mike is resting well now and my sincerest condolences for their loss. 8/29/19 - The technical updates on this website have been completed at this point, but there are still more pages to be made 'mobile friendly', this work will be accomplished as time allows. Work on our projects has certainly continued during the summer, but time has had to be allocated in a way that made sense, doing the website background work during the summer months when visits to the site are somewhat fewer than during the modeling season provided for minimal interruption in terms of access to the site. One main site feature still to be completed is a renewed 'Roundhouse' where previously owned models are made available for purchase, this will be completed in the next few days. Time going forward will be spent on providing project updates as we head into the beginning of the modeling season. I am also in the process of making decisions about what shows are of importance and should be attended by Kohs & Company, this has become far more difficult as the value of shows has continued to diminish for a variety of reasons. I have to say that the interest in the work that Kohs & Company is doing has never been stronger as seems to be the case for other companies working to deliver quality products and/or services, so the problems with the shows is not due to a lack of interest in the hobby. Certainly, as has been discussed many times previously, Online selling and buying has taken away a primary reason for attending shows, but more importantly, the show producers seemingly have not made adjustments in their planning to provide alternative reasons for attendance. I have had many questions regarding the international tariff situation and how it is or will affect the modeling community, particularly brass models. I have noticed that some importers are already collecting additional payments for tariff expenses which seems curious when there have been no changes to this point that affect the pricing situation for model trains. I'll be addressing this situation in more detail in coming updates so Kohs & Company clients will know exactly what to expect. Stay tuned for the forthcoming project updates, they will be posted as quickly as possible at this point! 6/01/19 - Work on this website continues with a far greater number of pages being now 'mobile' friendly. A number of technical improvements have also been made and search engine development is being worked on more seriously at this point. As a result of some of these changes you may see some other web domain names associated with this site, but don't be confused, these names have always been linked into, but they are now going to be used to a greater extent and effectiveness. In addition to the website work, my large-format printing capability has been expanded to allow faster and more efficient printing of our postal mail updates and general brochures. There are still a large number of customers and enthusiasts that are not connected to the Internet and as a result seldom or never have the chance to visit this website, as a result, I will be making a greater effort to stay 'connected' with these individuals using printed material. More information regarding this plan with be provided going forward. Project updates for the PFE reefers, AAR flat cars and Bucyrus-Erie crane will be posted in the next day or two so check back soon to access that information. 5/27/19 - A sincere thank you to all that have served or are serving the United States in any capacity, Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices made by them for the great benefit of us all. Especially remembering the Gold Star families that have suffered the great loss of all, a remembrance should be offered for those lost and for the well being of those left behind. 5/07/19 - It has been a couple of weeks since the last updates were done, but work has continued both on several active projects as well as this website. Before I continued updating regarding the active projects as we get closer to new reservations being taken, I wanted to clean up some issues with the website to make sure that all was functioning well before new material was added. There are currently approximately 2,500 pages on the site and over 4,000 image files so the work has been extensive and at times very tedious. All is not finished, but all of the active project sites should now be mobile friendly and a major portion of the past and future project sites have also been made mobile friendly. The approach taken with 'mobilizing' the pages has been a bit different than most other sites, I have created unique mobile pages so that the same visual experience can be shared whether you are looking at a desktop presentation or at a phone or tablet. Although I have not changed the update dates for each project site, many of the sites have new or enhanced photos added along with some new graphics, some of the existing data has also been reorganized for clarity. Once new data has been added to a site the update dates will again start to be changed as appropriate, this has hopefully avoided confusion regarding the actual status of each project. The edited and new pages have been tested using four different browsers, Internet Explore, Firefox, Safari and Chrome, but if you happen to see any problems during your visits, don't hesitate to let me know. New updates will be posted very soon for the Big Boy, PFE Reefers, AAR Flat Cars and HO Challenger so stay tuned! 4/18/19 - I wanted to take time to make mention of a special individual that sent me an e-mail in the last couple of days, her name is Anna Jones and she is a librarian on the west coast. Anna is running an after school railroad history and beginner train modeling class for her 4th-8th grade students. Apparently the kids in the program have found some of the resource links on the Friendly Links page on this site helpful in their program and one of the students named Avery asked if I would add a link to my list that he found regarding the history of transportation in New York City. The link has been added and I want to thank Avery for the suggestion, it is greatly appreciated! Having a daughter that is an elementary school teacher, I have seen first-hand the difference one person can make in multiple lives. I have the utmost admiration for those individuals that go the extra mile to encourage and foster the positive activities of our young people. Anna Jones is obviously one of these people, a sincere thank you goes out to Anna Jones! 4/08/19 - Just brief update for today to pass along the Southwest Newsletter which was created by the Dallas-Fort Worth O Scale Club that has hosted an annual O Scale show in their area for several years. They have now created a newsletter to spread the word regarding recent, current and future O scale activities in the Southwest area of the country. I am happy to pass it along and also suggest that other groups organize similar efforts to spread the word regarding two-rail O scale modeling. If enough information is forthcoming from around the country I'll be happy to create a dedicated page to list anything that I receive, in the meantime you can access the Southwest Newsletter HERE. 3/21/19 - Another March Meet in Chicago is in the books and I want to thank all those attendees that took the time to stop by my display, your attendance was surely appreciated by me and ultimately everyone displaying at the meet. A special thank you goes out to Melissa, the entire Hill family and the crew of regulars that make the show possible every year. This is the one show that can be depended on for positive attendance and great organization. A great deal was accomplished at the show between the feedback from owners and interested modelers, as well as with research contacts in attendance that I was able to meet with regarding our current projects in development. Comments regarding specific projects will be addressed on the individual project sites. 3/18/19 - One of the most frequently asked general information questions I hear is where can I get a high quality DC power supply to run my models, who makes a good one? Unfortunately that is an extremely difficult question these days, but I can offer followers of this site a rare opportunity. I was just informed that Dallee Electronics has in inventory several nearly new 'Engineers', the unit type that I have recommended for years before their production was discontinued. To locate one these days usually requires repeated ebay and other selling site searches. To learn more details including pricing, contact Dallas Gutacker at Dallee Electronics, (717) 661-7041 or Act fast, they won't be available for long!! 3/12/19 - The O Scale March Meet in Chicago is just a few days away, this weekend, and from the people that I have been speaking with the turn out should be excellent. I wanted to run down for those planning to attend what to expect from Kohs & Company at the show. I am anticipating the arrival of our Big Boy production sample for display at the show. There is new information regarding our PFE reefer project as well as our 50-ton AAR flat car project. We'll be doing a model give away similar to what was done at the O Scale Nationals in Maryland, just stop by our tables and sign up for the drawing to be held at the end of the show, three models to be given away valued at approximately $3,000. Finally, in the evening on Saturday, I will again host a gathering in my Westin Hotel suite where we can get together on an informal basis to discuss my current and future projects in detail. The path forward for my projects will be very interesting and it is shaping up to provide the best models ever done. Snacks and refreshments will be provided, including an assortment of Bourbon to be tasted, 'tested' and compared if you are so inclined! I am suggesting that the gathering take place after the dinner hour so no one has to rush through dinner or layout tours, perhaps around 9:00PM until whatever hour the conversation runs to. If this is of interest to you, see me at the show and I will provide the details such as suite number and the exact timing. I look forward to a great show and seeing old friends and large numbers!! Safe travels to all. 3/3/19 - I have received a number of comments from website visitors generated by my comments posted on 1/16/19 and 1/19/19, seems that I struck a nerve with people that have had bad experiences buying Online with certain resellers. I use the latest situation that I am aware of as another example. A Kohs & Company Y6a offered on ebay as a 'New Model Never Run' which sold at an unusually low price. As it turned out the model was delivered with damage and missing parts, supposedly as it was 'delivered to him new by me'. I would suggest to anyone buying on ebay or anywhere else that you verify with me if the seller of an item is the original owner or just another 'flipper' misrepresenting the item for sale. When you're shopping for bargains based on price, you'll often get exactly what the price reflects. If you are someone looking for quality Kohs & Company models for sale, I can certainly provide references for sellers that are doing a really good job of preserving the legacy models that I have produced that are for sale in the secondary marketplace. Buyers should take note of the seller's ID on ebay and avoid them in the future when questionable sales have been noted. In the near future as time allows, I'll be posting some guidelines for individuals interested in reseller their Kohs & Company models. It's important to understand what affects the value and also what truly represents an 'as new' model so there are no misunderstandings between buyers and sellers. 1/23/19 - With the O Scale March Meet in Chicago rapidly approaching, I'm making plans to hopefully make attendance a slightly more enjoyable experience. The Hill family always does a fantastic job of organizing and managing the show and they deserve a great deal of credit. In support of their efforts, I am planning another model give-away like I did at the O Scale Nationals this past summer in Maryland. The details of the give-away and entry slips will be available at my tables located in the usual location in the far back left corner of the main hall. Attendance will be the only requirement for participation. Again I will be planning an after hours hospitality suite session to be held up stairs in the hotel. Due to facility/room size attendance will be limited to invited guests, primarily our customers. There will be a lot to discuss with news regarding our Big Boy, future locomotive projects, the PFE reefers, 50-ton AAR flat cars and more. I will hopefully be providing a special liquid treat for those in attendance. Updates are in the works for several projects and will be posted soon including, our Big Boy, PFE reefers, 50-ton AAR flat cars and Bucyrus-Erie crane project so stay tuned. 1/19/19 - Just a brief further comment regarding the update immediately below; my intention is not to blame the customers caught in unfortunate situations created by the poor selling practices employed by some sellers, it's only natural to seek help where you can most likely receive it. The hope is that the responsible person will bear the resulting cost going forward. On a lighter note, I am offering another discount period for purchases from my Library page until 2/20/19, take 25% off any book or books selected for purchase. 1/16/19 - Beginning a new year seems like a good time to raise the warning flag regarding some model resellers that are doing a real disservice to the hobby in delivering damaged models to their buyers. I raise this issue again having had four instances in the last several weeks where a buyer has purchased a Kohs & Company model from a secondary market reseller who ultimately delivered a damaged model. Three damaged models came from the same 'professional' reseller so it seems these situations were no accident. The buyers naturally contact me asking for help in making the model that they paid good money for, typically more than the original selling price, whole and operational. If the sellers are not held responsible this practice will most likely continue at which point it will be time to start naming names publicly. I do maintain an inventory of parts for all of the models that I have produced. The intent of this inventory has been to have replacement parts available for models that owners have been using and require routine maintenance, not for rebuilding models that have been misused or shuffled through numerous hands on the resale market. If you are interested in purchasing a model from a past production and I do not have that model available from an existing owner, feel free to contact me for some guidance on who to deal with so you can avoid the problems I have been seeing. Another issue that has come to light is the practice that one big name reseller seems to use in representing Kohs & Company models for resale, incorrect or made up production data regarding the rarity of a particular model or version seemingly attempting to make it more desirable. The only production data that I have made publicly available is that associated with model versions that are deemed limited production versions from the outset of a project. The total production for any of my projects is never a secret, but the number produced of various common versions typically has never been shared. In addition, there are a number of special variations of only one, two or three models that have been built which have never been publicly documented, all of this data will be made available at some point in the future. Again, if you have questions about a particular model you are interested in, contact me before buying. 1/01/19 - Happy New Year to all!! With you, I am looking forward to an exciting year of new developments and projects that promise to be our best efforts to date and that will be a serious accomplishment. My network of designers and builders have been gearing up to launch the new projects that have been mentioned on this website and although the brass modeling environment has never been more challenging we are all up to setting new standards and delivering the best models ever. Be sure to stick with us in the months ahead to see what develops! |